Photo Collage

This branch of fabric leaves has hung in our dining room for the past year or so that we have lived in this apartment. I hung them last fall, loving the burst of color they added to the room. And then I just never replaced them (mostly because I never got around to making something to hang there instead and hated the idea of leaving the frame empty). The other day I saw this pin on pinterest, though, and finally got inspired.

I chose some of my favorite photos to print. This afternoon I lay them out across our sunroom floor, arranging them inside the frame until I was happy with the arrangement. I hammered tacks into the side of the frame, stringing thin wire between them, and then clipped the photos to the wire with clothespins.

The finished product is less rustic than the inspiration photo, but I like it. It’s nice to have something different hanging there now. And the photos remind me of beautiful things every day.

In other house decorating news….this weekend I succumbed to the pumpkin craze and bought two for our living room.